”The Casual Reader is any person with an unapologetic and sincere interest in leading a fulfilling life through the power of thoughts and knowledge.” Hi, I’m Bibi/Bee 🐝 and I suck at talking about myself.

This is a personal capsule of 100% human written content and visuals, intended to uplift readers with a unique and inspiring experience. The Casual Reader is a one-woman passion project dedicated to the chronically curious, overly ambitious, perfectionists, procrastinators, daydreamers, romantics, and bibliophiles alike. 📖✨ I tell stories about self-improvement, reading, journaling, life lessons and other oddities that spark my interest.

English is not my native language nor do I have a degree in journalism, but my favorite form of self expression is through my art and writing.

Have some ideas, feedback or just want to chat? Find me on Instagram @thecasualreader_ (yes, the underscore is important -.-)

The Causal Reader

The Causal Reader

https://thecasualreader.com/ Human writer ✌️✨ An assortment of thoughts on work, books, journaling, creativity and other lifestyle topics.